Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Monday, May 30, 2005

Women Rule

At one point in our history Men ruled and women were not give fair rights. Women were treated like second class citizens. This is certainly not the case today. In fact I think women are treated better than men in the majority of situations. Now they are not only equal but they have not lost of the relationship bonuses. A man is still expected in most cases to pay for the meal, the movie and whatever else there may be on a date. The man is still expected to pull out chairs an hold doors whenever possible.

Women cant lose. I am all for equal rights.

So lets start making things equal.

What do you all think? Am I missing something?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Being Pulled Over

I really hate when people are pulled over for going a safe speed. There is no difference between 65 and 85 on and open highway in my opinion. In either case if you crash then you are going to Die.

I understand pulling someone over for 60 in a 30. The person could have hit a little kid. I even understand pulling someone over for going 10 miles over the speed limit if they are unsafely weaving in and out of traffic on a busy highway. But to pull someone over in the middle of the night on an empty highway for going 85 is just ridiculous.

Now I know the rules of the road and usually do not speed. Most of the speeding tickets I have received were due to a malfunctioning speedometer.

Besides just speeding the No cell phone rule is just plain dumb. I know that I can talk on the cell phone and drive better than some people can drive without their cell phone. I know that there are also people that could drive better than me while doing their hair, shaving, reading, and coughing. Its all relative with how good you are at multitasking. I think that people in these cases should only be pulled over if they are swerving or look visible distracted. Besides is it any harder to talk on a CB radio than on a cell phone. No It is not.

I think the seat belt rule for adults is also a law that goes against the constitution. I should have the right to not where a seat belt and die if I choose. I should be required to make sure that my children are safely secure but not myself. This should be especially true if I am alone.

Just for the record I also where my seat belt. Not because of the Click It or Ticket campaign or because I don't want a ticket, but because I don't want to die. I Do not need the law to tell me how to not die.

But in the end these rules are put in place because a select few people did die from not wearing there seat belts or strapping there kids in. These same people probably were talking on the cell phone and killed a family of 4 or were going 150 in a 30 and ran over a dog and a kid on a bicycle.

Without these rules more people would die. That is for sure. But That does not mean that I can't complain when they inconvenience me.

What do you all think?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This is a picture of me looking homeless. I do like to wear a knit hat and a hoody. It really makes be feel comfortable and secure. I am not sure why. I also feel like a bad ass when I wear a hoody and a knit hat.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Mean People Suck!

Every day I encounter someone who is just plain Mean to me for no apparent reason. I understand not being friendly or not acknowledging someone if you are feeling bad or depressed. I don't understand the extra step to being just plain mean to someone.

I know that some people have had very hard lives and are in generally bad moods all the time. But that is there business, why do they feel the need to make everyone miserable by being mean.

I was waiting patiently the other day to exit a very crowded Olive Garden. There were 5 people standing in front of the door talking. I waited thinking they would notice my intentions of leaving the restaurant and move. They did not move however and I said excuse me. They moved very slightly and gave me a dirty look. I went to exit the building and they decided right at that moment to leave at the same time. I bumped into the one lady and hit the other with the door, quite on accident. I said I was sorry and they began to call me inconsiderate and rude. They started yelling at me in the middle of the restaurant about my manners.

WHY? I don't have any earthly Idea why. Even when I think I am right I don't yell at someone in public. There is no reason. I usually pull them to the side and have a conversation that might solve something rather than provoking them.

WHY? Is meanness In born? Is it learned? Is it both?

Friday, May 20, 2005

This is a picture of my first College Roommate the Immortal Lucen Gajewski. I was playing around with my camera and was snapping pictures when he turned around from making perogis and just made this scary face. Out of circumstance i happened to be taking a picture at the same time. I also forgot to take the red eye out on my camera so it looks like he is possessed by a demon that likes to stab people with small knifes covered in buttery potato.

This shot is from my one of my first apartments. It was actually a house. I loved living there without hardly anything to my name and always having a friend around to hang with. It was good times.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

People Walking

Why is it that when you walk down a hall or some area where the space is limited that there is always some jerk that will not move to the side to let you by? Usually it is a group of jerks standing shoulder to shoulder walking as slow as possible and talking. They don't even notice you when you are almost touching their asses.

What would be the harm in moving into a single file line just long enough to let someone pass? This weekend I was at a motel with several Long hallways and each time I was walking I was stuck behind some group with no consideration for those behind them. When people are not in a hurry they cannot even fathom that someone else might actually be in a hurry.

I don't know what I should do in these situations. Should I ask them politely to move aside? Or should I just be patient?

I have asked them to move and the people that I have asked always seem offended. Maybe it is just my own short comings as a person that don't allow me to wait 15 seconds for the hallway or sidewalk to end.

What do you all think? Does this kind of thing bother you or is it just me?

Friday, May 13, 2005

Wasting Food?

People in most developed countries waste food like crazy. This is especially true in Americans. To make sure that everyone at a restaurant is full when they leave, restaurants give out very large portions. I for one always finish my meal, but I am a full grown adult mail with a rather large appetite. What if I am a 100 pound female who cant eat more than a half of a sandwich at a time without being full. Then this meal either is thrown out or taken home by the person that ordered it and could not finish it.

I agree that large portions at restaurants are necessary to keep everyone happy. I also believe that every restaurant should have half portions for those who cant eat as much. Perhaps even quarter portions if necessary. And if this does not happen then the people who eat at these restaurants have to take it upon themselves to take the food with them. Not because they are hungry, or because they are poor, but because it is wrong to waste food.

I am not talking about a small amount of food. I am not talking about the crust from a sandwich or a pickle or Cole slaw. I am talking about those people who you have all seen that order a huge meal just because and then eat like 3 bites and never look at the food again.

Eating the food or not eating the food will not help anything after it has been ordered though. It is not like if everyone finishes all there meals or takes home all their food that any starving children will be saved. People need to judge how much they want or need to eat and order that amount. No more and No less. And if this is not possible than be thinking about how and when you can eat the left oversaw that you take home. If everyone does this then food will be saved. And if there is a surplus of food in America and in other developing nations then it can be sent to other starving nations.

The other side of this is that if we stop consuming and wasting so much food perhaps the demand for food will go down and thus the price will. This could result in a major problem for the food industry.

So in the end even though it bothers me to waste food it probably does not matter either way. If we waste food Americans keep their jobs in the food industry. If we don't waste food then starving people get fed. Or perhaps nothing that one person can do will ever matter.

Everyone says that one person CAN make a difference. I am not so sure this is the case with world hunger. I hope it is though. I will for the time being only order what I can eat and take home the left oversaw of anyone at my table. Even if I just give this food to my dog or one of my bum friends. It will be better than if I had thrown it out.

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dreaming Vs. Living

Let me fist start off by saying that everyone has the right to choose what kind of lifestyle they wish to live. If you want to travel around the world and never own anything, or if you want to own 15 houses that is fine. Any lifestyle you choose is ok as long as you are OK with who you are. A lot of people are not Ok with who they are. A lot of people aspire to be rich and famous and always fall short.

If you choose to aspire to be rich and famous then you cannot expect that it will be an easy thing to obtain. Many people today in America assume that they can get rich quick or get away with not working. This is simply not true. At some point you must either work or win the lottery. So much time is wasted in some cases on get rich quick schemes that a lot of time is lost that could have been spent achieving realistic goals.

Lots of people have dreams and you should never give up your dreams. But at some point you must come to the realization that you will never be famous or really rich by just sitting around. So you might as well start working and suck it up.

So many people are afraid to get stuck in a job and provide for themselves successfully for a number of years. They are afraid that they will become like there parents god forbid and have to work for 40 years at the same job and provide for their families. They all want to be like the rich and famous people they see on TV. They keep hoping that they will be rappers, rockstars and actors.

99% of the time this will not be the case and in the other cases these goals will be attained by hard work. You can't just sit around and become famous and rich.

Work must be done to achieve goals.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This is a picture of my brother standing in front of the Earl's Court Tavern In Earl's Court (A section of London). We ate here for dinner everyday. The prices were very reasonable and everyone was very freindly. They served Fish and chips as a specialty. They were pretty good for the most part although fried fish is hard to screw up. I drank wine there a lot becuase it was cheaper than soda or water. My brother drank a lot of beer there for the same reason. The time there was very relaxing and I was able to really enjoy myself just sitting there. Most of the rest of our trip was filled with a lot of sight seeing and a lot of running around. Our time at the Earl's Court Tavern gave us time to relax and enjoy london for what it was. My brother and I both had a very good time here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Obesity V. Smoking and Drug Use

Is obesity really a disease like we say it is? Certainly some children are brought up to eat certain foods and live certain lifestyles that lead to obesity but that does not make it a disease. What about children who are raised around smoking and grow up to be smokers? Do these people get the benefit of there in bred negative habit being called a disease? No these people get told to stand out in the cold and smoke. They get told that they are killing themselves and those around them. They get told that they are killing their children. They get told they smell bad because of the smoke. The same holds true with Drugs. Both smoking and Drugs are considered horrible habits. On top of this people who do not quit these habits are considered either lazy or stupid for not stopping these habits.

Why should Obesity be any different? You can walk up to a man in a restaurant and tell him to put out his cigarette if it is bothering you. You can tell your grandfather that he is killing himself by smoking all the time. Why then cant you tell your grandfather that he is eating himself to death. Why can't you tell a 500 pound woman that feeding her kids and herself big macs for lunch is killing her and her kids?

I say obesity is not a disease, it is combination of a bad habit and ignorance. It is true that some people are more susceptible genetically to obesity but these people can still live healthy life styles that prevent early death and heart disease. Obesity should not be considered a disease. That is just giving people an excuse to be morbidly obese.

What if you gave your 5 year old a cigarette, would you get your child taken away? Yes. So the same principle should hold true for those parents that feed their children 3 big macs and 2 bowls of ice cream everyday. In either case the child is being pointed toward and early death.

I ask you to just considered that deaths from heart attacks directly caused by obesity are almost as high per year as the amount of deaths due to lung cancer caused by smoking. Soon the number will be higher.

Something must be done to change our attitude about the way we eat in this country. Great strides have been made already. There have been Dare programs and Just say No in our schools to stop smoking and drug use. There have also been programs about safe sex and abstinence. There need to be more programs geared toward directing America's youth into healthy life styles. They same way we should not trust all parents to keep their kids of drugs we should not trust all parents to feed their children properly or encourage healthy lifestyles. School programs should teach that exercise and the correct diet are as key to a healthy lifestyle as not smoking and not taking drugs.

I will leave you on this note. Their are drug addicts and smoking fiends all over that are healthier than some of the obese people I have seen in my local Wal-mart.

Monday, May 09, 2005

This is a picture that I took in London of two London Towne Police officers, a Tower of London Beef Eater, and Midget. They were all standing around having a conversation like they were all freinds. It just struck me as wierd and I thought I would share it with you all. What do you think they were talking about?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A good night in the Life of Mike Jones

From the Right: We have my beautiful Girlfriend Jaclynn looking as smiley as ever, Me Looking really tired and Drunk, Ashley my brothers girlfriend, Joe my brothers friend from high school, Todd my brother looking like a deer in the head lights, One of mine as well as my brothers best friends Corey Mills, and his Girlfriend Fiona who we all love. This was a good night for all of us. My brother turned 21 and we all went out and had a really good time. This is one of those moments that I wonder if will ever happen again. Will I ever again be able to go out with these same people and have fun and get drunk....? Perhaps not. Perhaps later in life there will be kids running around the house and we will have to play scrabble or trivial pursuit instead while we watch the kids and reminisce about the times we used to go out. I guess that is fine with me. As long as I continue to be able to surround myself with good friends like these I know that I will be ok no matter how old I am.

Just a picture I thought you might like to see.... Its pretty neat.

These are the Roman Baths in England that I visited with my brother. They were used by the Romans when they occupied England over 1000 years ago. There are hot springs beneath this pool of water that is shown that keep the water in the pool at the same 85 degree temperature all year Long. This site was under ground for over 500 years and out of use before the British discovered it and started using it as a social gathering place for the social elite of England. It was the place to be in Victorian England.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Getting Old......

Sometimes I feel like am really getting old. I know I am only 25 and I have most of my life ahead of me. However, I am beginning to realize that there are some things that I will never do. I may never go to the Taj Mahal, or see Japan. I still may do those things but there are some things I will never do. I am constantly wondering when I see certain friends leave or go there own way if this is the last time I will ever be in the situation. Will I ever be here again? Will I ever do this again? The answer very well could be no. This depresses me greatly, and it makes me wonder what I can do about it.

I have decided that the best way to deal with this depression is to do as much as possible each day and live life to its fullest. Every night I go to bed I can't wait to wake up and live my life. I am ok with not doing everything. I am ok with not traveling the world, being a superstar, or writing a book. I may never do any of these things and I think that I am ok with that. I am ok with being me and I think that is all we can ever hope for.

I work for a car wash and I might never do anything of great importance to anybody, but I will continue to live and be ok with working for a car wash. At least I am working in my field of choice and making enough money to support my self quite well. I don't need to make a difference in the world. I just want to make a difference in the lives of those I care about most and be content with that.

So until next time,,,,, Live life to the fullest and appreciate all of the short time you have left in this world. I know I will. Hopefully I can enjoy it with you.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Here is a picture of me at the Ye Ole Chesire Cheesy bar in London England. My brother is taking the shot. We are in the oldest part of any bar in all of London. Most bars were burnt down including this one during the Great London Fire, however the basement part where this picture is shot survived. The place where I am sitting is over 350 years old. I am sipping some of the cheap local table wine at a dollar a glass. Its pretty bad but it does the trick. As you can see I the wine has made me into a demon, either that or I forgot the red eye reduction on my digital camera.

Shirt Collars. What is the Deal?

So I was at the gym today and I was thinking about collars on shirts. I don't know why but I was thinking about it.

So I thought to myself, why are their collars on shirts? I mean why are they there. When we are just lazing around the house we never have collars on our T-shirts and we are fine. So I went online in search of some answers. Do collars serve any practical purpose, and what happened over time to place such importance on collars? Collars are a necessity in the work place and at social functions. WHY WHY WHY???

Here is a link to some History on collars:

This link tells a little about the recent history of the collar and how it has developed into its modern state but still tells us nothing about why the collar was ever used in the first place. Usually there is some practical purpose behind fashion even if that purpose has been lost over the centuries. I must find this purpose.

Here is another link that talks a little about this very thing:

Here is another link about the history of Neckties.

After doing all this research it is my conclusion that the collar is simply on a shirt to hold the Tie in place. Shirts such as the polo shirt are no more than fashions attempt to have a T-shirt that has a collar and buttons. It is just a mix between a T-shirt and a Dress Shirt.

Collars are here because of Ties and Ties are here because of a War. What if this War had never happened and no one had ever worn ties. Would there be no Collars? What would businessmen look like today?

It is interesting to think that a few changes in history could completely change the look of the modern man.

What do you think?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Driving and what bothers me.

Today I would Like to speek on the courtesy of our fellow Drivers. I myself try to consider both those drivers ahead of and behind me as well as on the side. This is not the case with all people however. For instance, when making a right hand turn into a driveway or onto another road, from a road where the speed limit is 55 mph or above, I will move over into the shoulder and make my turn so those behind me can continue on their path without braking or stopping. This is how things should be, however some poeople like to come to a complete stop before turning. These are usually the same people that refer to me as a carless driver, when in fact they are a grave danger to anyone behind them when they come to a complete stop in the middle of a high speed road. Why????

These same people are also the ones that when at a four way stop will make sure that you come to a complete stop before continuing on even if they arrived at the stop sign 4 minutes before you and can see that you are slowing down. I could understand if they saw you barreling down the road at 40 in a 30 and showing no signs of stopping, but they will do it in any case. They will not go first. They think they are being careful and courteous, when really they are being niether.

And what is up with the people that decide to go the speed limit only when they are in the front of a pack of cars. These are the poeople that when they see you passing them will speed up to 100 mph if neccesary to stay in front of you then will go back to talking on the cell phone and moving at 30 in a 55. They dont care about when they get where they are going only that they dont have to follow anyone. It really really bothers me.

Sometimes people on a two lane road will start to pass a car or truck that is going 65 and they will only go 66 to pass the truck or car. This means that it will take the average car aproximatly a million years to pass the average big rig truck. Why can they just speed up to 75 for about 3 seconds pass the person and then slow down to 66 again. No they will not, they will allow 400 cars to build up behind them and pay these people no head becuase they are going the speed limit. BLA BLA BLA. They always feel justified in doing so.

It is really not that hard to just consider those around you weather you are in a car or not. I am not talking about pleasing anyone, i am talking about not annoying anyone or making them angry. Instead of helping one person or 3 people a day and pissing off 100, why not just not piss off anyone.

These are thoughts from the Mind of Mike Jones.

My First Post

I am just posting to make sure this works.