Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Being Pulled Over

I really hate when people are pulled over for going a safe speed. There is no difference between 65 and 85 on and open highway in my opinion. In either case if you crash then you are going to Die.

I understand pulling someone over for 60 in a 30. The person could have hit a little kid. I even understand pulling someone over for going 10 miles over the speed limit if they are unsafely weaving in and out of traffic on a busy highway. But to pull someone over in the middle of the night on an empty highway for going 85 is just ridiculous.

Now I know the rules of the road and usually do not speed. Most of the speeding tickets I have received were due to a malfunctioning speedometer.

Besides just speeding the No cell phone rule is just plain dumb. I know that I can talk on the cell phone and drive better than some people can drive without their cell phone. I know that there are also people that could drive better than me while doing their hair, shaving, reading, and coughing. Its all relative with how good you are at multitasking. I think that people in these cases should only be pulled over if they are swerving or look visible distracted. Besides is it any harder to talk on a CB radio than on a cell phone. No It is not.

I think the seat belt rule for adults is also a law that goes against the constitution. I should have the right to not where a seat belt and die if I choose. I should be required to make sure that my children are safely secure but not myself. This should be especially true if I am alone.

Just for the record I also where my seat belt. Not because of the Click It or Ticket campaign or because I don't want a ticket, but because I don't want to die. I Do not need the law to tell me how to not die.

But in the end these rules are put in place because a select few people did die from not wearing there seat belts or strapping there kids in. These same people probably were talking on the cell phone and killed a family of 4 or were going 150 in a 30 and ran over a dog and a kid on a bicycle.

Without these rules more people would die. That is for sure. But That does not mean that I can't complain when they inconvenience me.

What do you all think?


At 5/29/2005 04:51:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard similar debates in the past and have come to the following conclusion.

Laws are put in place to maintain a degree of control and order in a society that will lead to a common good. Not to do what makes sense.

What makes sense, Justice, and individual rights come into play in the application of law, not in the making of it.

For example, the cell phone law in NYS does not state you do not have a right to use a cell phone while driving; it only states that doing so is restricted and sets out a series of sanctions for violating the restriction. That’s all. Nothing about rights.

and one other thing... Sadly .. Laws are needed more often then seems logical because most folks do not "Engage thy Brain" while conducting their daily lives. Restrictions are needed to get good people to think before they act.


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