Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Thursday, May 19, 2005

People Walking

Why is it that when you walk down a hall or some area where the space is limited that there is always some jerk that will not move to the side to let you by? Usually it is a group of jerks standing shoulder to shoulder walking as slow as possible and talking. They don't even notice you when you are almost touching their asses.

What would be the harm in moving into a single file line just long enough to let someone pass? This weekend I was at a motel with several Long hallways and each time I was walking I was stuck behind some group with no consideration for those behind them. When people are not in a hurry they cannot even fathom that someone else might actually be in a hurry.

I don't know what I should do in these situations. Should I ask them politely to move aside? Or should I just be patient?

I have asked them to move and the people that I have asked always seem offended. Maybe it is just my own short comings as a person that don't allow me to wait 15 seconds for the hallway or sidewalk to end.

What do you all think? Does this kind of thing bother you or is it just me?


At 5/20/2005 11:37:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groups of little old ladies will happy to let you pass. They are good that way and will give you a big smile as you go by.

Groups of old men will not let you pass, they will even do thier best to keep you from passing. They drive that way too.

Younger guys will try to walk faster than you when to try and pass them.

Younger women might not notice you are back there. Besides if they are good looking you may want to just walk slower and watch them walk.

I suggest you just walk back there and make fun of them to your self as you go. Most of the time if you start laughing for no reason anybody in front of you will get nervious and stand aside. Try it, give a little amused laugh and give anybody who turns around a big smile and they will not turn thier back to you.


At 5/20/2005 11:59:00 AM , Blogger Michael Jones said...

I am going to try the laughing thing. I bet it will work.


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