Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Friday, May 13, 2005

Wasting Food?

People in most developed countries waste food like crazy. This is especially true in Americans. To make sure that everyone at a restaurant is full when they leave, restaurants give out very large portions. I for one always finish my meal, but I am a full grown adult mail with a rather large appetite. What if I am a 100 pound female who cant eat more than a half of a sandwich at a time without being full. Then this meal either is thrown out or taken home by the person that ordered it and could not finish it.

I agree that large portions at restaurants are necessary to keep everyone happy. I also believe that every restaurant should have half portions for those who cant eat as much. Perhaps even quarter portions if necessary. And if this does not happen then the people who eat at these restaurants have to take it upon themselves to take the food with them. Not because they are hungry, or because they are poor, but because it is wrong to waste food.

I am not talking about a small amount of food. I am not talking about the crust from a sandwich or a pickle or Cole slaw. I am talking about those people who you have all seen that order a huge meal just because and then eat like 3 bites and never look at the food again.

Eating the food or not eating the food will not help anything after it has been ordered though. It is not like if everyone finishes all there meals or takes home all their food that any starving children will be saved. People need to judge how much they want or need to eat and order that amount. No more and No less. And if this is not possible than be thinking about how and when you can eat the left oversaw that you take home. If everyone does this then food will be saved. And if there is a surplus of food in America and in other developing nations then it can be sent to other starving nations.

The other side of this is that if we stop consuming and wasting so much food perhaps the demand for food will go down and thus the price will. This could result in a major problem for the food industry.

So in the end even though it bothers me to waste food it probably does not matter either way. If we waste food Americans keep their jobs in the food industry. If we don't waste food then starving people get fed. Or perhaps nothing that one person can do will ever matter.

Everyone says that one person CAN make a difference. I am not so sure this is the case with world hunger. I hope it is though. I will for the time being only order what I can eat and take home the left oversaw of anyone at my table. Even if I just give this food to my dog or one of my bum friends. It will be better than if I had thrown it out.

Let me know what you think.


At 5/15/2005 04:08:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I like your comments, and it looks like you were trying to see boths sides of this issue. I would tend to belive that wasting water (or preventing it) is a big problem too but that is a separate topic.

Lord Knows however that anybody who had to depend on the food that might go to waste when you are around would be in serious trouble. :)


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