Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Driving and what bothers me.

Today I would Like to speek on the courtesy of our fellow Drivers. I myself try to consider both those drivers ahead of and behind me as well as on the side. This is not the case with all people however. For instance, when making a right hand turn into a driveway or onto another road, from a road where the speed limit is 55 mph or above, I will move over into the shoulder and make my turn so those behind me can continue on their path without braking or stopping. This is how things should be, however some poeople like to come to a complete stop before turning. These are usually the same people that refer to me as a carless driver, when in fact they are a grave danger to anyone behind them when they come to a complete stop in the middle of a high speed road. Why????

These same people are also the ones that when at a four way stop will make sure that you come to a complete stop before continuing on even if they arrived at the stop sign 4 minutes before you and can see that you are slowing down. I could understand if they saw you barreling down the road at 40 in a 30 and showing no signs of stopping, but they will do it in any case. They will not go first. They think they are being careful and courteous, when really they are being niether.

And what is up with the people that decide to go the speed limit only when they are in the front of a pack of cars. These are the poeople that when they see you passing them will speed up to 100 mph if neccesary to stay in front of you then will go back to talking on the cell phone and moving at 30 in a 55. They dont care about when they get where they are going only that they dont have to follow anyone. It really really bothers me.

Sometimes people on a two lane road will start to pass a car or truck that is going 65 and they will only go 66 to pass the truck or car. This means that it will take the average car aproximatly a million years to pass the average big rig truck. Why can they just speed up to 75 for about 3 seconds pass the person and then slow down to 66 again. No they will not, they will allow 400 cars to build up behind them and pay these people no head becuase they are going the speed limit. BLA BLA BLA. They always feel justified in doing so.

It is really not that hard to just consider those around you weather you are in a car or not. I am not talking about pleasing anyone, i am talking about not annoying anyone or making them angry. Instead of helping one person or 3 people a day and pissing off 100, why not just not piss off anyone.

These are thoughts from the Mind of Mike Jones.


At 5/06/2005 05:10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the most WONDERFUL drivers EVER!!!! You all know the ones I am talking about....the ASSHOLES who have to make a Left hand turn. NORMALLY you would move towards the center of the road- you know "hug the yellow line" to allow people to pass you on the right while you are waiting to turn. BUT, there are the many people who decide that it isn't "safe" to go to the middle of the road, they may get hit or something. So what do they do??? MOVE THE THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD TO MAKE A LEFT HAND TURN!!! Thus making EVERY car behind them wait....or, there is the idiot who doesn't know how to GO AROUND a car- God frobid he drive off the road a bit and onto the shoulder to get around the car who is turning left!!! There are so many of these wonderful people..and I happen to see them ALL on my daily drives. But my blood pressure is normal!! :) And I WOULD NEVER cuss someone out while driving!!! :)


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