Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A good night in the Life of Mike Jones

From the Right: We have my beautiful Girlfriend Jaclynn looking as smiley as ever, Me Looking really tired and Drunk, Ashley my brothers girlfriend, Joe my brothers friend from high school, Todd my brother looking like a deer in the head lights, One of mine as well as my brothers best friends Corey Mills, and his Girlfriend Fiona who we all love. This was a good night for all of us. My brother turned 21 and we all went out and had a really good time. This is one of those moments that I wonder if will ever happen again. Will I ever again be able to go out with these same people and have fun and get drunk....? Perhaps not. Perhaps later in life there will be kids running around the house and we will have to play scrabble or trivial pursuit instead while we watch the kids and reminisce about the times we used to go out. I guess that is fine with me. As long as I continue to be able to surround myself with good friends like these I know that I will be ok no matter how old I am.


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