Mind of Michael Jones.

Any postings that you see on this BLOG are going to be my general opinions on Life, or research into life’s little idiosyncrasies. A BLOG is meant to stir up debate amongst its readers. I have realized that I have some preconceived notions of the world that may or may not be correct and I would like your help in finding the answers. Please make it a habit when you read my BLOG to comment and disagree or post your own thoughts on what I have discussed. Enjoy your Reading......

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Obesity V. Smoking and Drug Use

Is obesity really a disease like we say it is? Certainly some children are brought up to eat certain foods and live certain lifestyles that lead to obesity but that does not make it a disease. What about children who are raised around smoking and grow up to be smokers? Do these people get the benefit of there in bred negative habit being called a disease? No these people get told to stand out in the cold and smoke. They get told that they are killing themselves and those around them. They get told that they are killing their children. They get told they smell bad because of the smoke. The same holds true with Drugs. Both smoking and Drugs are considered horrible habits. On top of this people who do not quit these habits are considered either lazy or stupid for not stopping these habits.

Why should Obesity be any different? You can walk up to a man in a restaurant and tell him to put out his cigarette if it is bothering you. You can tell your grandfather that he is killing himself by smoking all the time. Why then cant you tell your grandfather that he is eating himself to death. Why can't you tell a 500 pound woman that feeding her kids and herself big macs for lunch is killing her and her kids?

I say obesity is not a disease, it is combination of a bad habit and ignorance. It is true that some people are more susceptible genetically to obesity but these people can still live healthy life styles that prevent early death and heart disease. Obesity should not be considered a disease. That is just giving people an excuse to be morbidly obese.

What if you gave your 5 year old a cigarette, would you get your child taken away? Yes. So the same principle should hold true for those parents that feed their children 3 big macs and 2 bowls of ice cream everyday. In either case the child is being pointed toward and early death.

I ask you to just considered that deaths from heart attacks directly caused by obesity are almost as high per year as the amount of deaths due to lung cancer caused by smoking. Soon the number will be higher.

Something must be done to change our attitude about the way we eat in this country. Great strides have been made already. There have been Dare programs and Just say No in our schools to stop smoking and drug use. There have also been programs about safe sex and abstinence. There need to be more programs geared toward directing America's youth into healthy life styles. They same way we should not trust all parents to keep their kids of drugs we should not trust all parents to feed their children properly or encourage healthy lifestyles. School programs should teach that exercise and the correct diet are as key to a healthy lifestyle as not smoking and not taking drugs.

I will leave you on this note. Their are drug addicts and smoking fiends all over that are healthier than some of the obese people I have seen in my local Wal-mart.


At 5/11/2005 02:40:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but there are many Americans, in large groups, who would take issue with your assertion that… “.. people who do not quit these habits are considered either lazy or stupid for not stopping these habits”. While a large plurality of Americans would agree with you on the basic principal, and your passionate belief that super sizing of our populations waistline is a failure of personal responsibility, the major issue is that very few are willing to say so, at least in public.

An unwillingness to think, or to put yourself on the line by standing by the truth is why so many issues end up a legal or a medical issue. Many folks might even take an issue with the idea there is a “truth”.

But I digress… This issues is easier than most, the fact is we are not all created equal where fitness is concerned and everybody should know it. But take heart, & attack the problem. Obesity is not as unavoidable as hair loss.. ehemm… when it comes to staying healthy you have a responsibility to your loved ones to do your best and you may have to work twice as hard as your brother, get over it. PUT DOWN THAT ECLAIR AND GET ON THE TRED MILL. With all due respect to the fad diets that do more harm than good, over the long long long run, Eat less and exercise more to the degree you need to and the rest will take care of itself.

P.S. Just because a very few people indeed have a real medical issue with weight doesn’t invalidate a belief that everyone should be expected to do their best. To open up a new can of worms… I believe that an individuals “cost of Health Care” should be tied to an ability to show that a reasonable effort has been make to stay healthy. If being 40 lbs over weight is going to cost you $40.00 a week. Maybe KFC wouldn’t be so tasty after all.


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